Open internet protocol tech helps Korea advance smart home strategy

The Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) has adopted the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) secure cloud-connected technology as the foundation for its national smart home platform.

The initiative aims to improve residents’ living experiences through access to smart healthcare, intelligent safety systems, greater convenience through automation and improved energy management and control.

Open internet protocol

LH reportstThe OCF technology has helped it overcome significant IoT security, privacy and interoperability challenges. The OCF aims to enable IoT devices and services to communicate through a trusted open internet protocol (IP) framework which aligns with baselines for IoT security and privacy regulations.

“We have made it our mission for all public housing to adopt smart homes,” said Jin Meong Eo, director of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation. “This is not only a response to the government’s digital policies. We are working to continue Korea’s leadership in innovation for the good of society.

“We are opening up access to healthcare, making living environments safer and saving energy to protect the world around us. OCF is one of the key components in helping us to achieve this in a secure, scalable way and that is why we chose OCF in our project.”

A secure and private-by-design IoT smart hub in each home collects and analyses internet of things (IoT) big data. It also features built-in fine dust and CO2 sensors and helps residents to control 15 different types of device via an OCF-compliant smart home app.

Based on this project, the goal is to continue to expand into public housing, with more than 223,000 connected households estimated by 2025.

“Connecting IoT cloud environments with a range of devices and device types presents significant security, privacy and interoperability challenges,” said Mark Trayer, chairman of the OCF board of directors. “This is limiting consumers’ options and hindering market expansion. As governments work to connect infrastructure, proprietary IoT solutions can’t meet their requirements.

“Delivering a smart home service like this at scale both answers these challenges while improving tenants’ lives. This is true leadership from LH, and a model that can be replicated elsewhere.”

OCF collaborates with the IoT ecosystem to deploy and evolve the OCF ISO/IEC specifications, including the Secure IP Device Framework, its open-source reference implementation, and an industry-recognised certification programme.

All of this enables secure end-to-end implementations that encompass device-to-device, device-to-cloud, and cloud-to-cloud. The technology fosters competition, facilitates productivity, and drives innovation while aiding secure deployments with rapid development and simple integrations with IP networks and non-IP systems.
