LinkedIn Launches New Ads Guide to Help Marketers Plan their Campaigns

LinkedIn Ad Types

LinkedIn has launched a handy new overview of its various advertising options, which includes image size info, call-to-action options, technical requirements, and more, for each ad type, helping to outline how to maximize your on-platform campaigns.

As explained by LinkedIn:

“Our new LinkedIn Ads Guide is a one-stop resource for LinkedIn ad specs, formatting recommendations, and general information. You’ll find all the pertinent details around four different categories of LinkedIn Ads: Sponsored Content, Sponsored Messaging, Lead Gen Forms, and Text and Dynamic Ads, as well as the various ad formats available within each.”

As LinkedIn notes, the guide is separated into four distinct categories:

  • Sponsored Content – Single Image Ads, Video Ads, Carousel Ads
  • Sponsored Messaging – Conversation Ads, Message Ads
  • Lead Gen Forms
  • Text and Dynamic Ads – Text Ads, Spotlight Ads, Follower Ads

Each section includes a separate overview page for each ad type, which provides a complete set of requirements and specs.

It’s a helpful listing of the key details you need to know to maximize your LinkedIn campaign performance – and with more people than ever engaging on LinkedIn, it may well be worth considering in your outreach push.

Indeed, back in February, LinkedIn’s parent company Microsoft reported that LinkedIn sessions grew 30% in the last three months of 2020, while the platform’s total revenue increased 23% in the period. And with economic activity ramping up, as we move beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, you can expect LinkedIn to get more focus, and see more activity moving forward, which could make it a bigger consideration.

As such, it’s worth keeping this tool in mind. It’s a simple, but handy reference guide for your LinkedIn campaigns.

You can access the new LinkedIn Ads Guide here.
