Seoul deploys smart robot service in city’s Botanic Park

The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) is rolling out a smart robot service at Seoul Botanic Park to provide guidance and information to visitors via artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) technology.

Branded as Robotanic, the autonomous bot service also aims to increase visitor security and create a safe park environment.

Robotic units

The city will operate a total of three Robotanic units around popular areas for exploring and resting at Seoul Botanic Park, one indoors in the greenhouse and two outdoors in the garden.

In the greenhouse, visitors can interact with a Robotanic to gain various information on the park and plants through both live (online) and recorded (offline) video commentary while walking along the guided paths.

This programme is available twice a day every Friday for group tours (10 people at a time) starting in March. Those who are interested must book in advance online via the official Seoul Botanic Park website.

In the outdoor garden, Robotanic will patrol the premises as a security bot for visitors’ safety, monitoring the park’s environment via live footage to prevent accidents and crime.

The footage will be relayed to the control centre to alert the security personnel when it detects certain situations.

Robotanic will also roam the park to make announcements, such as last calls before the park closes, and operate around the clock at night.

Seoul plans to increase its use of Robotanic bots and incorporate in various park operations to provide enhanced smart services.

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