Dubai launches citizen engagement platform

Dubai is launching a platform to encourage citizens to provide feedback and contribute to enhancing its government services.

The platform will allow officials and stakeholders to directly receive and respond to customers’ opinions, suggestions, and ideas and any challenges they may face through a three-step process.

Digital Dubai

The launch of 04 platform aligns with Dubai’s 360 Services policy, which places customers at the heart of developing government services and provides them with a unified platform to voice their opinions, offer suggestions and raise any challenges or complaints.

It was developed by the Dubai Model Centre of the General Secretariat of the Executive Council and the Dubai Digital Authority, with the participation of more than 40 government entities and others.

“To become a proactive government, we must actively listen to the people and make informed decisions based on their input,” said Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and chairman of the Executive Council.

“Dubai’s model for future governments relies on a strong connection between the leadership and customers, whom it views as strategic partners in designing, implementing, and evaluating the services.”
